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병원 이모저모

WPA Regional Meeting 中 한국정신치료학회 주관 Symposium 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 1,189회 작성일 07-02-15 18:06


▶ 일 시 : 2007년 4월 18일(수) 오후 1시 - 4시

▶ 장 소 : 롯데 호텔 월드(잠실), 크리스탈볼룸 3

4월 18일(수)부터 21일(토)까지 서울 롯데 호텔 월드에서 개최되는 World Psychiatric Association Regional Meeting 에서 우리 학회에서 주관하는 심포지엄이 아래와 같이 예정되어 있습니다.

특별히 수용인원이 충분한 방을 확보하였으니 부디 많이 참석하시어 좋은 경험을 쌓도록 바랍니다.

2007년 2월

한국정신치료학회 회장 허 찬 희

■ Symposium 1

The Assimilation of Western Psychotherapy in Asia

Chair : Allan Tasman, Rhee Dongshick

1. Confluences in Eastern, Existential, and Psychoanalytic Thought : Erik Craig

2. Taopsychotherapy and Assimilation of Western Psychotherapy in Asia : Kang Suk-Hun

3. Client Centered and Taoistic Psychotherapy: Echoes : Garry Prouty, Huh Chan Hee

Discussion : Allan Tasman, Rhi Bou-Yong, Rhee Dongshick

■ Symposium 2

Taopsychotherapy Case Conference

Co-chairs : Erik Craig, Huh Chan Hee

(A) Taopsychotherapy Case Presentation (Case interviewed by Rhee Dongshick)

1. Introducing the Case : Lee Jung-Kuk

2. Listening the Audiotape of the Interview

(B) Discussion

1. Allan Tasman (Freudian Psychoanalysis)

2. Garry Prouty (Person-Centered Psychotherapy)

3. Erik Craig (Daseinsanalytic Psychotherapy)

(C) Meet the therapist, Prof. Rhee, the founder of Taopsychotherapy

◆ 등록방법

온라인등록만이 가능합니다. 아래의 주소로 인터넷 접속하면 등록할 수 있습니다.


대한신경정신의학회 회원인 경우에는 전일등록만 가능합니다만, 회원이 아닌 경우에는 하루등록이 가능합니다.

18일 하루만 등록할 경우에 사전등록의 경우 등록비가 2월 28일까지는 5만원에 등록이 가능하며, 하루 등록비 포함내역에는 18일 오후 6시~7시30분에 있는 Welcome Reception도 포함됩니다.

(아래 표를 참조하세요.)

  1차 사전등록
2차 사전등록
심리학자, 간호사, 사회복지사, 기타전일등록
18일 하루등록50,000원70,000원90,000원

팜플렛이 우리 학회 홈페이지 일반,회원자료실에 업로드되어 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.

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● Brief Biography of Dr. Garry Prouty

이번에 심포지엄에 참석을 위하여 한국에 처음으로 방문하는 Garry Prouty 박사의 간단한 약력을 아래와 같이 소개합니다.

Dr. Garry Prouty was trained in Person-Centered / Experiential Psychotherapy by Eugene Gendlin of the University of Chicago.
He developed his own therapeutic approach at clinics and hospitals dealing with psychotic and retarded clients.
Dr. Prouty was a Fellow of the Chicago Counseling, Psychotherapy and Research Center.
Also, he is a member of the Chicago Psychological Association.
He has served as an editorial consultant to Psychotherapy, Theory, Research and Practice as well as the International Journal of Mental Imagery.
Currently he is a consultant to the American, English, Austrian and Italian client-centered journals.
He is the author of Theoretical Evolutions in Person-Centered/Experiential Therapy: Applications to Schizophrenic and Retarded Psychoses as well as co-author of the German text Prae-Therapie.
Both books are in multiple translations.
He is the founder of the Pre-Therapy International Network, a European organization for working with psychotic persons.
Dr. Prouty has lectured in European clinics, hospitals and training organizations over the past twenty years.
His most important publication is a 50 year research survey of humanisticpsychotherapywith schizophrenics.
He has delivered the Frieda Fromm-Reichman Memorial Lecture at the Washington School of Psychiatry.
His most significant journal publication is entitled "Pre-Therapy: A New Development in the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia" The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 31, 1, 2003. In 2004 he was awarded a "Lifetime Achievement Award for Pre-Therapy" by the Chicago Psychological Association.
He was also elected President of the Chicago ISPS (International Society for the Psychological Study of Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses).
He is currently elected as a scientific associate for the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry.


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